Course Description

Therapists document challenges with core stability in the majority of children who are experiencing motor challenges regardless of disability diagnosis. Join us for an exciting online lecture/lab course that integrates current theory and practice in pediatric treatment with a systems approach that is anchored in a neuromuscular model of core recruitment using breathing as an access point. Practical application of the information will primarily address children over 2 years of age. Shelley Mannell, PT and Julie Wiebe, PT developed and presented a live, online 2-day professional development curriculum based on the approach. This course was recorded and developed as 7 individual on-demand learning modules, with each module building on the previous presentations. The modules represent 14-hours of learning in total. $550.00 USD

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Dynamic Core for Kids Online suggested pre-reading

    • Dynamic Core for Kids Online Handout

    • Dynamic Core for Kids Online References

    • Course Description and Objectives

  • 2

    Module 1

    • Introduction

    • The Foundation Of Our Physical House

    • Teamwork

    • Teamwork and Alignment

    • Core Strategy Defined

    • Pediatric Postural Control Research

    • Typical Development

    • Atypical Development

    • Sensory and Motor

  • 3

    Module 2

    • Defining and Assessing Alignment

    • Alignment Nomenclature

    • Alignment Lumbar Spine

    • Alignment Rib Cage and Pelvis

    • Alignment Practical Application and Seated Lab

    • Optimizing Alignment

    • Alignment Practical Application and Standing Lab

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    Module 3

    • Diaphragm Dysfunction

    • Umbrella Breathing

    • Intervention for Different Breath Patterns

    • Intervention for Different Breath Patterns Continued

    • Diaphragm Intervention Practical Application

    • Diaphragm Q & A and Lab

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    Module 4

    • Pelvic Floor Anatomy and Dysfunction

    • Pelvic Floor Connections

    • Pelvic Floor Assessment

    • Pelvic Floor Assessment Part Two

    • Functional Tests

    • Pelvic Floor Lab

    • Integrating Pelvic Floor in Pediatrics

    • Transversus Abdominis

    • Clinical Problem Solving

  • 6

    Module 5

    • Q & A

    • Concepts Review

    • Seated Posture and Lab

    • Reactive Postural Synergists

    • POS Theory

    • POS Treatment Activities

    • POS Treatment Activities Continued

    • POS Activities Final

    • POS Lab and Modifications

  • 7

    Module 6

    • AOS Theory

    • AOS Activities

    • AOS Activities Continued

    • AOS Activities Final and Lab

    • LS Theory and Activities

    • LS Activities and Lab

    • Pulling It All Together and Lab

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    Module 7

    • Case Presentation #1 CP Hemiplegia

    • Case Presentation #2 Hydrocephalus

    • Case Presentation #3 HFA

    • Case Presentation #3 HFA Part 2

    • Wrap Up

    • Final Q & A

    • Final Quiz

Course Objectives

On completion of the course, the participant will be able to:

  • Articulate the evolution of practice from a musculoskeletal interpretation of core strength, to an understanding of the dynamic systems interaction of the “anticipatory core” with the intra-abdominal pressure system, the sensory systems, the “reactive core” and the brain for a responsive “Core Strategy” that meets the needs of pediatric patient populations.

  • Compare and contrast the research evidence discussing anticipatory, reactive and compensatory postural control deficits in three different pediatric populations (CP, DCD, ASD).

  • Discuss typical and atypical development of anticipatory core components, postural control, and common compensations in a variety of pediatric populations.

  • Analyze postural alignment and functional movement with new attention to deficits in maturation, breathing mechanics, sensory deficits and faulty central stability strategies as contributing variables to pediatric patient presentation.

  • Integrate the use of optimized breath mechanics as the gateway to anticipatory central stability and the postural control system.

  • Execute external qualitative evaluation of the diaphragm, pelvic floor, TA and their coordinated function via observational, and palpation analysis of postural alignment, dysfunctional breathing patterns, muscular recruitment patterns, movement strategies and habits, and postural control compensations during movement tasks.

  • Develop intervention programs that coordinate the “anticipatory core” foundation with more superficial postural muscle groups (postural synergists) to promote aligned posture, improved balance and functional movement patterns in pediatric clients.

  • Learn to monitor, cue and modify functional and exercise tasks to facilitate integration of Core Strategy into clinical programming for a variety of patient populations.

  • Apply the components of intervention programs, addressing the interaction of sensory systems and core stability in several diagnoses common in pediatrics (CP, hydrocephalus, ASD, toe walking and torticollis).

  • $570.00

    $570.00Dynamic Core for Kids Online Bundle A

    Dynamic Core for Kids Online Modules 1-7 and Dynamic Core for Kids Online Exercise Module (a video library of exercises from DC4K Online course)
    Buy Now

By purchasing this course, you have read and agree to the terms and conditions for this product. This course is one-viewer per purchase.

Please note: due to unavoidable internet speed and connectivity issues during the presentation, portions of some modules lost video feed of the presenters, but maintained voice over power point with embedded video demonstrations.