Course Description

Dynamic Core for Kids (DC4K) is a contemporary neuromuscular approach to core stability for children with challenges. Shelley Mannell, PT and Julie Wiebe, PT developed and presented an online 2-day professional development curriculum based on the approach. An in-depth discussion of the theory, evidence and concepts for the Dynamic Core approach, a neuromuscular and systems based path to creating core stability in children with challenges. The diaphragm is presented as the intersection of multiple systems, with breath mechanics as an accessible gateway to a new pediatric model of dynamic trunk and pelvic control. The development of (a neuromuscular) core strategy in typically and atypically developing children is presented. This module is 2 hours in length. $95.00 USD

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Dynamic Core for Kids Online suggested pre-reading

    • Dynamic Core for Kids Online Module One Handout

    • Dynamic Core for Kids Online Module One References

    • Dynamic Core for Kids Online Module One Course Description and Objectives

  • 2

    Module 1

    • Introduction

    • The Foundation Of Our Physical House

    • Teamwork

    • Teamwork and Alignment

    • Core Strategy Defined

    • Pediatric Postural Control Research

    • Typical Development

    • Atypical Development

    • Sensory and Motor

    • Final Quiz

Course Objectives

On completion of the course, the participant will be able to:

  • Differentiate between the historical musculoskeletal interpretation of core strength and a neuromuscular, systems approach coined “core strategy”.

  • List three pieces of evidence to support the “core strategy” intervention.

  • Justify the use of the “core strategy” approach with children with ASD, DCD, Sensory Processing challenges and CP.

  • Contrast three research articles that discuss deficits in postural control in ASD, DCD, Sensory Processing challenges, and CP.

  • Contrast the development of the anticipatory core components in typically and atypically developing children with CP.

  • Describe the influence of the optimal muscle recruitment order on postural control for a reaching task.

  • $550.00

    $550.00Dynamic Core for Kids Online: All Modules (1-7)

    The complete Dynamic Core for Kids Online course
    Buy Now
  • $570.00

    $570.00Dynamic Core for Kids Online Bundle A

    Dynamic Core for Kids Online Modules 1-7 and Dynamic Core for Kids Online Exercise Module (a video library of exercises from Dynamic Core for Kids Online course)
    Buy Now
  • $160.00

    $160.00Dynamic Core for Kids Online Bundle C

    Dynamic Core for Kids Applied: The Challenge of Continence with Kids with Challenges and Dynamic Core for Kids Online Module 1
    Buy Now

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