Course Description
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Course curriculum
Dynamic Core for Kids: Stability in Action Pre-reading and Handouts
Pre-reading: Anatomy Review
Pre-reading article: Anatomic Connections of the Diaphragm
Pre-reading article: How do anterior/posterior translations of the thoracic cage affect the sagittal lumbar spine, pelvic tilt, and thoracic kyphosis?
Pre-reading: Core Stability in Babies vlogs
Pre-reading: Posture, breath and regulation vlog
Dynamic Core for Kids: Stability in Action handout
Introduction to DC4K: Stability in Action online
Module 1
Foundational Concepts
Module 2
Developmental Considerations
Module 3
Alignment Concepts
Module 4
4b - Concept Review
Module 5
Pelvic Floor
Module 6
Connecting to Postural Synergists
Module 7
Module 8
Introduction to clinical applications module
Clinical Applications
Module 9
Special Populations
DC4K: Stability in Action CEUs and Course Evaluation
Certificate of Completion for Canadian and All International Professionals Certification except US PT/PTA
US PT/PTA Pursuing CEUs
Post-Course Evaluation for CEUs
Course Objectives
On completion of the course, the participant will be able to:
Describe the difference between a neuromuscular, systems approach to dynamic central control (‘Core Strategy’) and the traditional musculoskeletal, strength-based concept of ‘core stability’.
Articulate the differences in the development of Core Strategy between neurotypical and neurodiverse children.
Identify the contribution of efficient and effective core strategy to the development of emotional regulation.
Evaluate the behavior and function of the diaphragm, transversus abdominis, pelvic floor, and intra-abdominal pressure system, both as individual components and collectively as an interconnected deep central control system.
Develop a well-reasoned thought process to individualize a treatment strategy that balances and encourages teamwork for elements of the deep central control system.
Provide alignment cueing and external support options to optimize availability of the elements of the deep central control system.
Utilize breath mechanics strategies as a pediatric-friendly entry point to access and encourage teamwork in the deep central control system and support movement and function.
Implement clinical strategies that integrate a deep to superficial framework of neuromuscular system integration as an underpinning for function, balance, gross and fine motor skills.
Synthesize assessment findings to develop a well-reasoned treatment plan for a variety of neurodiverse populations exhibiting challenges with core strategy in movement, balance, emotional regulation, sensory organization, functional motor skills and activities of daily living.